Monday, November 23, 2015

Why do all stories start with once upon a time?

"Why do all stories start with once upon a time?" Asher remarked. I had no smart answer to the questions that come fast and furious now from both kids these days. They are growing so fast before my eyes, as 2015 almost draw to a close. We spend less time reading now, choosing instead to switch off the lights earlier and tuck them in bed.

Instead, bedtime stories took the form of make-up tales from me that yes...always start with once upon a time. Sometimes they were about blue trains, green trains and red cars and other times, they were about little girls, princesses and stars. I briefly toy with the idea of getting a helper on board, so i could lengthen the storytime and wind down hours every night, if we did not spend so much time commuting. Thinking about the logistics of raising the kids unfortunately bothers me more than i allow it to.

I take a look at Asher, who looks like an angel when he is sleeping. This is a boy with so much love in his heart i thought. He would share the last biscuit with his dad, even knowing he would have less. He would step aside before the finish line, if it meant letting his bossy older sister go first, a thankless action but the aftermath of the alternative consequence would be a very teary and fussy one.

Asher is at the parroting stage and mimics his older sister in his speech now. However there are some pet phrases which is truly 100% Asher. He would melt me with "Can i kiss you?" after a long day at work and pepper me with mouth to mouth kisses. Yes little boys are all about their tipper lorries and always so sweaty, but i swear this little boy is also made of honey, sugar and chocolate, oh the sweetness of Asher!

I am looking forward to our year-end Melbourne vacation, where we can have precious family time. Year end months are always peak months for Daddy so the kids would miss him on the weekends or at least part of it. Aly's demanding violin class has also wrapped up for this semester and follows the school holiday calendar and she finished her first violin exam (prep class) last saturday, kudos!

As the haze disappears, the air chills (as far as Singapore weather allows), we also wind down for year end and prepare for all the festive gatherings with family and friends. Next January will be Asher's turn to start pre nursery and Alyssa has been busy trying to prep him to learn his ABCs for school, yep she is more gan cheong than we are.

Happy pre-holidays case the next post will likely be in 2016 ☺

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