Maternity leave is the time for pretending to be a taitai and high tea is the traditional mark of the high life.
Probably my last high tea with the hubby and number two and three at The National Kitchen by Violet Oon at the National Gallery before I head back to work. The kuehs and peranakan delights are heavenly! D day is on 19th Dec as I check in to office before everyone else checks out for christmas hols.
This precious four months have been the best, with a new helper on board, I have been finally able to enjoy the leave. Although I had little "me" time, i really enjoyed bonding with the newborn. Funny I never thought newborns were much fun. I hated it when Aly was newborn, I was a new mom and she was always crying 24 seven and I never knew what to do with her. With Ashley and her sweet and easy going temperament, I really hate the idea of returning to work now.
Anyhow I have spent the past months dutifully breastfeeding and being the caregiver for the little tot. But finding the little time slots in between to bake and cook, scrapbook, blog and yoga. Little Aly benefitted most as my mom said with the personalized violin practice sessions where I was her dutiful piano accompanist.
We managed through all the year end concerts, camps and what not, mainly for Aly...thankfully Asher too young still to join the fray. Most importantly, this was a good time to catch up with family and friends without thinking about work all the time. The high teas, buffets ans great food was a bonus! But all that said, having a kid is too difficult a price to pay for the four months of maternity leave, so I hope I can safely say now, "it's a wrap" and sadly I know I must return to reality soon but its been a really really nice four months :)
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